


Tasks #5816

Over payments in negative

Added by Rijas P almost 3 years ago. Updated 8 months ago.

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We found some negative over payments in some customer's credit management after last live update. Please check and clear it from the report.PFA

The -ve over payment showing in SOA also, some of our customer complained the same. Therefore please do the needful immediately.PFA

PS: These over payments not showing in payment history.


Cash Customer - Dubai .pdf (21.7 KB) Cash Customer - Dubai .pdf Rijas P, 03/04/2022 07:04 PM
Negative over payment.JPG (155 KB) Negative over payment.JPG Rijas P, 03/04/2022 07:04 PM
payment_list.csv (53.9 KB) payment_list.csv payment list Mohamed Suhail, 03/28/2022 09:33 PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-04-09 at 2.13.14 PM.jpeg (126 KB) WhatsApp Image 2022-04-09 at 2.13.14 PM.jpeg Rijas P, 04/11/2022 11:28 AM
payment_negbal.csv (9.83 KB) payment_negbal.csv PFA the modified document details for future reference Mohamed Suhail, 04/18/2022 07:31 AM



Updated by Rijas P almost 3 years ago

Dear Suhail,

Can u please check the above case. Showing many over payments in negative. Please correct it.


Updated by Mohamed Suhail almost 3 years ago

Rijas P wrote:

Dear Suhail,

Can u please check the above case. Showing many over payments in negative. Please correct it.


We had made a fix in code where it was not showing the payment as overpayment in reports when the unallocated amount BETWEEN -0.00999 AND 0.00999
These payments started showing up in reports due to this fix

Please see attached CSV file for the list of payments affected with this change
Please check and revert back with the way forward


Updated by Rijas P almost 3 years ago

Dear Suhail,

could you please clear all these balance to the ledger account "Payment Discount Expense".


Updated by Rijas P almost 3 years ago

Dear Suhail,

As we discussed, tried to enter each charge invoice entry to adjust the over payments. But the -ve overpayment couldn't able to allocate with charge invoice entry. It will be great if you can clear all the over payments to the ledger account "Payment Discount Expense". Because there is more than 400 transactions, So if we do manually we have to enter 400 charge invoice transactions.


Updated by Mohamed Suhail almost 3 years ago

Rijas P wrote:

Dear Suhail,

As we discussed, tried to enter each charge invoice entry to adjust the over payments. But the -ve overpayment couldn't able to allocate with charge invoice entry. It will be great if you can clear all the over payments to the ledger account "Payment Discount Expense". Because there is more than 400 transactions, So if we do manually we have to enter 400 charge invoice transactions.

Have corrected for the payments where it is showing -ve open amount balance

euro=# update c_payment set discountamt=discountamt-paymentavailable(c_payment_id),updated=now(),updatedby=100 where docstatus in ('CO','CL') and paymentavailable(c_payment_id) < 0 and payamt > 0 and ad_client_id=1000000 and isreceipt='Y' and c_cashbook_id is null;
euro=# update c_allocationline cal set amount=amount+paymentavailable(aa.c_payment_id),discountamt=discountamt-paymentavailable(aa.c_payment_id),updated=now(),updatedby=100 from (select max(c_allocationline_id) caid,c_payment_id from c_allocationline where c_payment_id in (select c_payment_id from c_payment where docstatus in ('CO','CL') and paymentavailable(c_payment_id) < 0 and payamt > 0 and ad_client_id=1000000 and isreceipt='Y' and c_cashbook_id is null) group by 2) as aa where aa.caid=cal.c_allocationline_id;
euro=# delete from fact_acct where ad_table_id=735 and record_id in (select c_allocationhdr_id from c_allocationline where updated::date=current_date and updatedby=100);
euro=# update c_allocationhdr set posted='N' where c_allocationhdr_id in (select distinct c_allocationhdr_id from c_allocationline where updated::date=current_date and updatedby=100);


Updated by Mohamed Suhail almost 3 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Mohamed Suhail to Rijas P

Mohamed Suhail wrote:

Rijas P wrote:

Dear Suhail,

As we discussed, tried to enter each charge invoice entry to adjust the over payments. But the -ve overpayment couldn't able to allocate with charge invoice entry. It will be great if you can clear all the over payments to the ledger account "Payment Discount Expense". Because there is more than 400 transactions, So if we do manually we have to enter 400 charge invoice transactions.

Have corrected for the payments where it is showing -ve open amount balance

euro=# update c_payment set discountamt=discountamt-paymentavailable(c_payment_id),updated=now(),updatedby=100 where docstatus in ('CO','CL') and paymentavailable(c_payment_id) < 0 and payamt > 0 and ad_client_id=1000000 and isreceipt='Y' and c_cashbook_id is null;
euro=# update c_allocationline cal set amount=amount+paymentavailable(aa.c_payment_id),discountamt=discountamt-paymentavailable(aa.c_payment_id),updated=now(),updatedby=100 from (select max(c_allocationline_id) caid,c_payment_id from c_allocationline where c_payment_id in (select c_payment_id from c_payment where docstatus in ('CO','CL') and paymentavailable(c_payment_id) < 0 and payamt > 0 and ad_client_id=1000000 and isreceipt='Y' and c_cashbook_id is null) group by 2) as aa where aa.caid=cal.c_allocationline_id;
euro=# delete from fact_acct where ad_table_id=735 and record_id in (select c_allocationhdr_id from c_allocationline where updated::date=current_date and updatedby=100);
euro=# update c_allocationhdr set posted='N' where c_allocationhdr_id in (select distinct c_allocationhdr_id from c_allocationline where updated::date=current_date and updatedby=100);

Rijas P please check and confirm


Updated by Rijas P almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Found fixed.


Updated by SHAIJAL EDAVANA 8 months ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Tasks
  • Project changed from Euro Novelties to Temp Projects
  • Category deleted (Others)

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