Tasks #12645
Royal Star : Cost Update in POSibolt
Dear Suhail,
s we communicated earlier, the Cost of some items exported from our previous software was wrong.
Kindly request you to update the Actual Cost in POSibolt same as mentioned in the attached file.
Updated by Mohamed Suhail about 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Mohamed Suhail to Rijas P
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Rijas P wrote:
Dear Suhail,
s we communicated earlier, the Cost of some items exported from our previous software was wrong.
Kindly request you to update the Actual Cost in POSibolt same as mentioned in the attached file.
Done, please check and confirm Rijas P
posiboltdb=# update m_cost mc set currentcostprice=costprice from (select tcu.*,mp.m_product_id,mc.currentcostprice oldcost from temp_cost_update tcu join m_product mp on mp.name=tcu.name join m_cost mc on mc.m_product_id=mp.m_product_id and mc.m_costelement_id=1000000) as aa where aa.m_product_id=mc.m_product_id and mc.m_costelement_id=1000000;
posiboltdb=# update m_costdetail mcd set amt = productcost(aa.m_product_id,NULL) * mcd.qty from ( select mp.name,mp.m_product_id,mil.m_inventory_id,mi.docstatus,mil.m_inventoryline_id,mil.qtybook,mil.qtycount,mil.qtycount-mil.qtybook,mcd.amt,mcd.qty,round(abs(mcd.amt/mcd.qty),4),productcost(mp.m_product_id,NULL) from m_inventory mi join m_inventoryline mil on mil.m_inventory_id=mi.m_inventory_id join m_costdetail mcd on mil.m_inventoryline_id =mcd.m_inventoryline_id join m_product mp on mil.m_product_id=mp.m_product_id where mi.posted='Y' and mi.ad_client_id=1000000 and round(abs(mcd.amt/mcd.qty),4) != productcost(mp.m_product_id,NULL) order by 3,4) as aa where aa.m_inventoryline_id=mcd.m_inventoryline_id and aa.m_product_id =mcd.m_product_id ;
posiboltdb=# select count(*),count(distinct record_id) from fact_Acct where ad_table_id=321 and record_id in (select m_inventory_id from m_inventory where ad_client_id =1000000 and posted='Y');
count | count
34194 | 9
(1 row)
posiboltdb=# delete from fact_Acct where ad_table_id=321 and record_id in (select m_inventory_id from m_inventory where ad_client_id =1000000 and posted='Y');
DELETE 34194
posiboltdb=# update m_inventory set posted ='N' where ad_client_id =1000000 and posted='Y';
Updated by SHAIJAL EDAVANA 8 months ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Tasks
- Project changed from Euro Novelties to Temp Projects
- Category deleted (