Tasks #7605
Wrong Posting value Product COGS SOA screen
Showing wrong Product COGS value in Shipment Doc: 540318
Actual Product COGS should be 499.328, but in SOA screen showing 121.055, but once clicked on the amount and click on Show lines the correct amount is showing.
PFA for reference.
Updated by Mohamed Suhail over 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Rijas P wrote:
Showing wrong Product COGS value in Shipment Doc: 540318
Actual Product COGS should be 499.328, but in SOA screen showing 121.055, but once clicked on the amount and click on Show lines the correct amount is showing.
PFA for reference.
There was an issue with 4 items where product cogs account = product asset account
euro=# select name,m_product_id from m_product where m_product_id in (select m_product_id from m_product_acct where p_cogs_acct=p_asset_acct);
name | m_product_id
EU21739 | 1023610
EU21741 | 1023612
EU21740 | 1023611
EU21742 | 1023613
(4 rows)
uro=# delete from fact_acct where ad_table_id=319 and record_id in (select distinct m_inout_id from (select mil.created,mil.m_inoutline_id,mil.m_inout_id,mil.m_product_id,mi.movementdate,mil.m_product_id,mil.movementqty,mi.docstatus from m_inoutline mil join m_inout mi on mil.m_inout_id=mi.m_inout_id where mi.movementtype in ('C+','C-') and mil.m_product_id in (select m_product_id from m_product_acct where p_cogs_acct=p_asset_acct) order by 1) as aa);
DELETE 33880
euro=# update m_inout set posted='N' where m_inout_id in (select distinct m_inout_id from (select mil.created,mil.m_inoutline_id,mil.m_inout_id,mil.m_product_id,mi.movementdate,mil.m_product_id,mil.movementqty,mi.docstatus from m_inoutline mil join m_inout mi on mil.m_inout_id=mi.m_inout_id where mi.movementtype in ('C+','C-') and mil.m_product_id in (select m_product_id from m_product_acct where p_cogs_acct=p_asset_acct) order by 1) as aa);
euro=# update m_product_acct set p_cogs_acct=1000042 where p_asset_Acct=p_cogs_acct;
Updated by SHAIJAL EDAVANA 8 months ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Tasks
- Project changed from Euro Novelties to Temp Projects
- Category deleted (